Day 16

Dear God,

I have spent the day bed ridden. 

Somedays, the reality of post cancer life hits harder. 
I can't stomach garlic anymore. It makes me ill for hours. Last night, I threw up for 2 hours. I was so relieved once it stopped. I had to get everything out which is not a great feeling.  

Today, my head hurts, my shoulder hurts and my hip hurts. I got up for 1 hour and then went back to bed. I am no use to the world in this state. I hurt, I'm weak and I'm human. 

So I have been in bed with a heating pad and lollie. 

I did have a win today about lollie becoming a service dog with the airlines. 🐕 she is now registered to be able to be in my arms on my flights. Thank you God,  for helping make this possible.


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